
Lessons Learned from a Decade as an Irish Permaculture Designer, Farmer, and Entrepreneur in Guatemala Aug 05, 2023

My name is Neal Hegarty. I am a 42-year-old Irish man who has spent most of the last decade in Guatemala. As I write this article, I find myself on the deck of our farm-to-table restaurant,(Granja Tzikin, overlooking the breath-taking Lake Atitlan. The sunlight dances on the...

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Dreaming of a new Irish Landscape Aug 05, 2023

When I left Ireland in 2008 I was still a boy. I’ve worked for most of the last 15 years in Guatemala, as a Permaculture designer, builder and farmer. My partners and I built Granja Tzikin, a diverse permaculture farm, in which we have integrated goats, chickens, food forests, native...

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Why Salmon Swim Upstream Jul 26, 2023

In school they teach us about Entropy, or more specifically about the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the total entropy or disorder of any system always increases over time. In other words energy always flows down.

This law is applicable to everything, no matter how big or small....

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